Clinical Conditions and Diseases
Author- Dr Md Shamim, MD
Clinical conditions mean patient present with clinical findings to the Doctor.
Clinical Conditions may be symptoms and signs.
What are Symptoms?
Symptoms are those findings patients complain to the Doctor.
Example- Cough, Pain, Swelling, Yellowish color of urine, loss of appetite etc.
What are Signs?
Signs are those findings Doctor assesses to the patient.
Example- Enlarged liver, Enlarged spleen, Enlarged lymph node, Oedema, Cyanosis, Icterus etc.
Fever is both Symptoms and Signs.
What is the importance of Clinical Conditions?
Based on these Clinical Conditions Doctor may find out the provisional diagnosis of diseases.
Confirmatory diagnosis is obtained after essential laboratory investibgations and radiological investigations.
What is disease?
According to WHO, Disease is defined as any harmful deviation from the normal structural or functional state of an organism, generally associated with certain signs and symptoms and differing in nature from physical injury.
What are types of disease?
Based on Cause-
Congenital ( Hereditary) disease
Acquired disease
- Infectious Disease
- Traumatic Disease
- Metabolic Disease
- Neoplastic ( Cancer) Disease
- Inflammatory Disease
Under this heading we will discuss the various clinical conditions and basic findings of different disease.
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